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Our Vision, Aims & Ethos

Vision :

‘Learn, enjoy and succeed together, for life in all its fullness.’ John 10:10

Together means supporting each other whether it is as a class, within your home/ family and helping people when they are vulnerable and need support.
This is under pinned by the verse from John 10:10 ‘I have come in order that you might have life – life in all its fullness.’

In order to achieve fullness the school and all stakeholders need to embrace the proverb 22 v6 ‘Teach children how they should live and they will remember it all their life.

Aims :

The school action plan has 7 main aims, which are deeply rooted in our Christian ethos and will be the focus for our own self-evaluation. Please see below:

Strand 1: Everybody has a shared understanding of the school’s vision which is embodied in the school’s action plan.

Strand 2: To have an outstanding curriculum and extra-curricular opportunities to meet the academic and spiritual needs of all learners.

Strand 3: For pupils to have aspiration for themselves and their local, national and global communities

Strand 4: To have an outstanding whole school approach to mental health and emotional wellbeing.

Strand 5: Outstanding policies and practices for safeguarding underpinned by respect and dignity for all.

Strand 6: Collective Worship is inclusive and inspirational.

Strand 7: To make outstanding progress in Religious Education which enable pupils to discuss and understand world religions and views.


Ethos :

St Nicholas Curriculum Ethos